
POLARIS is a medical device for the advanced analysis of the tear film that allows to estimate the quality and quantity of the tear film. Measuring the non-invasive break up time (NIBUT) it is possible to analyse its stability and regularity. Another analysis allows to evaluate the corneal surface and the inferior tear meniscus.

The device is an accessory for the slit lamp, composed of a light source that does not require the application of any substance on the eye surface. The substance would adulterate the tear film composition and the exam wouldn't be reliable.

The light source of the device is composed by a white LED light that replaces the Slit Lamp illuminator. The white light source does not induce excessive reflected lachrymation or tear film vaporization. Through the Slit Lamp microscope, you can observe the image projected by the device, reflected on the patient's eye tear film.

The device can be perfectly integrated with the application software Phoenix.


Lipid layer quality and quantity

POLARIS enables interferometric examination of the lipid layer of the tear film.Depending on the thickness and regularity of the lipid layer, this may appear like any of the following: amorphous structure, marble appearance, wavy appearance, yellow, brown, blue or reddish interference fringes.

Lower tear meniscus.

Most tears are collected in the lower and upper tear menisci. The size of the tear meniscus formed on the eyelid borders provides, then, useful information on the produced liquid volume.The tear meniscus can be examined taking into account its height, regularity and shape.

POLARIS brightness is calibrated so as not to cause any glare for the patient's eye, and it does not induce excessive reflected lachrymation.

Tear film stability and regularity

POLARIS allows to evaluate the stability and the regularity of the tear film, through the measurement of the non-invasive break up time (NIBUT) by observing the reflection of the images on the tear film surface.

The non-invasive break up time (NIBUT) is the measurement, in seconds, of the time between the last complete blinking and the appearance of the film discontinuity on the tear film. The observed pre-rupture phase indicates the tear film thinning time. These measurements can be taken with or without contact lenses.

Corneal surface regularity

POLARIS can also be used to assess the regularity of the corneal surface. By inserting the specific grid inside the internal cylinder of the device, a series of concentric rings is projected onto the cornea thus performing a keratoscopy. A regular cornea will result in a reflected image with a series of concentric rings, all at the same distance. Any irregularities in the surface of the cornea will result in irregularities of the reflected image. Closer rings correspond to areas of steeper curved cornea, while more distance between rings correspond to flatter cornea area.

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